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Stover Undergraduate Scholarship

Purpose: This award is given in honor of John F. Stover. He received his B.A. (1934) and M.A. (1937) from the University of Nebraska and his Ph.D. (1951) from the University of Wisconsin. Professor Stover came to Purdue in 1947 and served 31 years, until his retirement in 1978. While on the faculty his many books and articles established him as a leading scholar of the history of American railroads, and he continued publishing actively in the field after his retirement and prior to his death in 2007. His wife, Marjorie, an author in her own right, died in April 2013. The Stovers' generosity, with contributions from friends and colleagues, established the Stover Scholarship for the outstanding sophomore history major. 

Criteria and selection: Selected by the Undergraduate Committee appointed by the Head of the Department of History, all with the approval of the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, the student must be an undergraduate history major in his or her sophomore year (3rd or 4th semester). The eligible student will have completed a minimum of three history courses with an A or B average, and earned a GPA of at least 2.90.

Award: The recipient receives fee reimbursement the following semester.

Apply: Department of History Undergraduate Awards Application

Deadline: Materials must be received by January 26, 2025.

Questions: Contact O.T. Ford, Academic Program Manager: